Sunday, August 3, 2014

Winning With Footwork (PTK Testimonial #1)

It was an unusually warm winter's day in Buffalo a couple of years back. It was after midnight and I was feeling quite amiable after a late night steak dinner and a couple of glasses of scotch. I walked out the backdoor through the kitchen to the parking lot, where I was attacked by some crazy guy, weighing over 200lbs.

I was surprised, as he ran straight at me for a few paces, wildly swinging furious overhead, right and left handed windmill punches. I had no time to think about my training, I just reacted ranging out left 135 degrees for about three paces, while I parried his punches. Thanks to my ranging footwork none of the dozen shots landed. His burst of energy spent, I countered with a running attack on the right triangle, right 45 degree line for about three paces, as I attacked his guard with empty-handed one's and two's.

My adversary, having not trained footwork, crossed his legs retreating backwards from my counter attack, lost balance, and fell over, striking his head on the ground. I slid pinning his arm with my knee, as his body pinned his other arm to the ground. A quick succession of empty hand slaps to the head finished what he had started. 

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